Quetzal Python client

Python client for the Quetzal API.

If you are not familiar with the Quetzal API, read its documentation first. This Python package provides a command-line and helper functions to interact with the Quetzal API.

Note that this package depends on an auto-generated package quetzal.openapi_client, which is also a client to this API. You can use the latter as a pure Python client, but quetzal.client provides some helpers and small fixes.


quetzal-client and its dependency, quetzal-openapi-client, are not on PyPI yet. In the meantime, in order to install this package, create a virtual environment and install with pip:

pip install git+https://github.com/quetz-al/quetzal-client.git@v0.3.0\#egg=quetzal-client

Alternatively, add this line to your requirements.txt:


and then do pip install -r requirements.txt.

If you are using conda, add the following structure to your environment.yaml:

  - pip:
    - git+https://github.com/quetz-al/quetzal-client.git@v0.3.0#egg=quetzal-client

and create or update your environment with conda env create -f environment.yaml or conda env update -f environment.yaml, respectively.

Getting started

In order to use quetzal.client, you need to know the URL of the API server, your username and password. You can set these on the command-line interface, through a configuration object, or using environment variables:

Environment variables considered by quetzal-client.
Variable Description Default if not set
QUETZAL_URL Complete URL of the Quetzal server + API version. 'https://api.quetz.al/api/v1'
QUETZAL_USER Quetzal username. ''
QUETZAL_PASSWORD Quetzal password. ''

Basic usage

There are two ways this package helps you: with a command-line interface or by providing some helper modules that you can use in Python.

Command-line interface

The command-line interface is available through the quetzal-client command. Use the --help or --help-all options to get a detailed description of each command.

$ quetzal-client --help

Usage: quetzal-client [GLOBAL OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Command-line utility for the Quetzal API client.

  --url TEXT       Quetzal URL. If not set, uses environment variable
                   QUETZAL_URL if this variable is defined.  [default:
  --insecure       Do not verify HTTPS certificates.
  --username TEXT  Quetzal username. If not set, uses environment variable
                   QUETZAL_USER. Option is mutually exclusive with token.
  --password TEXT  Quetzal password. If not set, uses environment variable
                   QUETZAL_PASSWORD. Option is mutually exclusive with token.
  --token TEXT     Quetzal access token. If not set, uses environment variable
                   QUETZAL_TOKEN. Option is mutually exclusive with username,
  -v, --verbose    Verbosity level. Use -v for verbose, -vv for even more
  --help-all       Show a detailed help message with all options and exit.
  --help           Show help message for this command and exit.
  --version        Show the version and exit.

  auth       Authentication operations.
  file       File operations.
  query      Query metadata.
  workspace  Workspace operations.


To start using quetzal.client on Python code, use the following template:

from quetzal.client import Client, Configuration, QuetzalAPIException
from quetzal.client import helpers

config = Configuration()
# ... change config as needed or fallback to the environment variables ...
# config.verify_ssl = False  # Use this for servers without certificates (dev servers)
client = Client(config)

# A simple test using the helpers to verify that we can login to Quetzal
    print('Logged in successfully!')
except QuetzalAPIException as ex:
    print(f'Operation failed. {ex.title} - {ex.detail}')


There are more details on quetzal.client on its official documentation at readthedocs.